Chaos 3 (Paranoia) is the third installment in an ongoing typographic collage series utilizing mid 20th century printed media from around the world as source material. This collection features collages both previously displayed on social media as well as several that were previously unpublished. “Paranoia” is a book within a book featuring declassified (albeit heavily redacted) United States government documents.
The work of Maximillian follows in a tradition of graphic designers who use collage and found ephemera to inform their work. The rise of self-publishing and the availability of short run printing has recently allowed for a level of experimentation to return to the graphic design scene. This can be evidenced in the increasing number of design magazines, for example 46pages with a focus on a return to a more analogue approach to design. The publication comes in the format of a boxed book, with folded experimental screen printed poster.
Specifications of publication:
• Screen printed box
• Screen printed 2 colour A2 folded poster
• 60 page soft back bound book 8 x 10 inches
ISBN: 978-1-915528-11-7
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