Plastikcomb interview poster


Plastikcomb interview poster between Gavin Ambrose from Unseen Sketchbooks and Aaron Beebe, founder of Plastikcomb magazine.

‘The Plastikcomb interview is the first in a series I’m doing where the interview results in a printed piece. In essence I’m distilling the content of the fuller interview to a single word, phrase or sentence. the series takes a long time to produce, as the printing and design of the prints is complex. In this instance I took a phrase Aaron had said that resonated with me. I liked the idea that print has a tangible quality. We interact with it, we hold it, we display and read it. Perhaps we even simply discard it.

The resulting The Plastikcomb interview poster was printed, distressed, scanned and then reproduced at ‘wall’ scale, before being photographed and screen-printed. This process is in itself part of that tangible quality. To produce the artwork takes time, in this case several weeks. Something I like about that process though is that you get to ‘live’ with the sentence for a long time. If after a few weeks the sentence still makes sense, then it is probably right.’ – Gavin Ambrose, Founder Unseen Sketchbooks.

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